
Wurno L.G.A Zip Zip Postal Codes

Wurno L.G.A Zip Zip Postal Codes:

Wurno L.G.A (Local Government Area) of Sokoto State, North Western part of Nigeria, Zip Postal Codes are given for all areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under this location.

The Zip Postal Codes attached to each place represents the identification of that region.

List of Wurno L.G.A Zip Postal Codes:

Achida Zip Postal Code:

Achida 842102
Alkanmu 842102
G/Bango 842102
Gyalgyal 842102
Kwasare 842102
Lalodu 842102
Sisawa 842102


Wurno Area Zip Postal Code:

Adakela 842101
Chacho 842101
Dankemu 842101
Dinawa 842101
Dinbiso 842101
Kwargaba 842101
Magargaba 842101
Magarya 842101
Marafa 842101
Marnowa 842101
S/Bazai-Abdu 842101
Wurno 842101

Other Zip Postal Codes for areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under Sokoto State of North Western part of Nigeria, are given in the link below:

Zip Postal Codes for L.G.A’s in Sokoto State

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