
Uhunmwonde LGA Zip Postal Codes

Uhunmwonde LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Uhunmwonde LGA Zip Postal Codes is given in this page which contains list of all areas, towns, villages, districts and places under this location of Edo State, South South, of Nigeria.

The list of Zip Postal Codes of these Local Governments (L.G.A’s), areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under it are given below:

Egbede Zip Postal Codes:

Aduhanhan 301115
Ekhonidunolu 301115
Ekhoniguokuen 301115
Ekhoniro 301115
Ekhonuwaya 301115
Ekhuaihe 301115
Emuhu 301115
Evbosawe 301115
Igbogiri 301115
Okekpen 301115
Okeze 301115
Okogo 301115
Ugboyon 301115
Ugomoson 301115
Ugoneki 301115
Ugonoba 301115
Uvbe 301115

Ehor Zip Postal Codes:

Abumwenre 301107
Ehor 301107
Okemuen 301107
Ugbiyaya 301107
Ugbiyokho 301107
Ugiamwen 301107
Ukpogo 301107

Igieduma Zip Postal Codes:

Abumwenre 301107
Ehor 301107
Okemuen 301107
Ugbiyaya 301107
Ugbiyokho 301107
Ugiamwen 301107
Ukpogo 301107

Igieduma Zip Postal Codes:

Erhua-Nokhua 301110
Igieduma 301110
Irhiwe 301110
Obagie 301110
Otofure 301110
Ugha 301110
Uteni 301110


Ekpan-Irhue 301108
Irhue 301108
Oke-Irhue 301108
Orhua 301108
Umokpe 301108

Isi North Zip Postal Codes:

Eguaholor 301113
Igueoke 301113
Iguesogban 301113
Iguomo 301113
Ike 301113
Iyanomo 301113
Oghada 301113
Okhuokhuo 301113
Ugbezee 301113
Urbenisi 301113

Isi South Zip Postal Codes:

Ekae 301114
Erhuan 301114
Evbowe 301114
Evguogho 301114
Iguagba 301114
Iguagbe 301114
Iguezomo 301114
Iguiyase 301114
Ilobi 301114
Izikhiri 301114
Obanisi 301114

Uhi Zip Postal Codes:

Egbisi 301109
Irhiborhibo 301109
Obagie 301109
Obazagbon 301109
Ugueghudu 301109
Uhi 301109
Uhimwento 301109

Umagbae North Zip Postal Codes:

Azagba 301111
Ekuigbo 301111
Igueuwangue 301111
Iguevbiahianwen 301111
Iguevbiobo 301111
Iguezevbaru 301111
Iguomo 301111
Ikhueniro 301111
Irighon 301111
Ogheghe 301111
Ogueka 301111
Okhuo 301111
Okpagha 301111
Uma 301111
Urhokuosa 301111

Umagbae South Zip Postal Codes:

Agiyamu 301112
Ahor 301112
Ayen 301112
Egba 301112
Ekoken 301112
Ekomufua 301112
Evboikhuendo 301112
Ewedo 301112
Eyean 301112
Idumwugha 301112
Iguosula 301112
Ikiyete 301112
Orio 301112
Ute 301112
Uzalla 301112

Other Zip Postal Codes for towns, villages, streets, districts, Local Government areas(L.G.A) in Edo State are given below:

List of Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas in Edo State

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