
Okehi LGA Zip Postal Code

Okehi LGA Zip Postal Code:

Okehi L.G.A  of Kogi State, Nigeria consist of other areas that makes it a whole with also Zip Postal Codes to distinguish between them.

List of Areas in Okehi L.G.A:

Each of the areas listed above also comprises towns, villages, streets, districts and areas with their Zip Postal Codes given below:

Eika Area Zip Postal Codes:

The General Zip Postal Code of Eika Area under Okehi L.G.A of Kogi State is given as 264101.

The Zip Postal Codes of other streets and districts under Eika also share similar Zip Codes shown below:

Ihima Area Zip Postal Codes:

The General Zip Postal Code of Ihima Area under Okehi L.G.A of Kogi State is given as 264102.

The Zip Postal Codes of other streets and districts under Ihima also share similar Zip Codes shown below:

Other Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas, Villages, Towns and Districts in Kogi State of Nigeria are given below:

Zip Postal Code of Kogi LGA’s in Nigeria.

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