
Oji River LGA Zip Postal Codes

Oji River LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Oji River LGA Zip Postal Codes is given in this page which contains list of all areas, towns, villages, districts and places under this location of Enugu State, South East, of Nigeria.

The list of Zip Postal Codes of these Local Governments (L.G.A’s), areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under it are given below:

Achi Zip Postal Codes:

Achiagu 401147
Adu 401147
Agbadalna 401147
Ahani 401147
Akwu 401147
Amaetit 401147
Amankpunator 401147
Egwu Achi 401147
Elhuhe 401147
Enugu Achi 401147
Ihe 401147
Isikwe 401147
Nkpokoro 401147
Umumba 401147

Akpugeze Zip Postal Codes:

Abo 401150
Amagu 401150
Egbe-Agu 401150
Ofechem 401150
Ofemili 401150
Umudim 401150
Umuokpara 401150

Awlaw Zip Postal Codes:

Etiti 401149
Isiama 401149
Nkwuni 401149
Ubahu 401149

Inyi Zip Postal Codes:

Agbalidi 401148
Akwu 401148
Alaocha Nkwerre 401148
Alum 401148
Amankwo 401148
Enugu-Inyi 401148
Nkwerri-Inyi 401148
Obune 401148
Umuagu 401148
Umuome 401148

Ojo River Zip Postal Codes:

Agbalenyi 401145
Agu-Ugwu 401145
Central 401145
Dodo 401145
Ojia-Oyi 401145
Ojinato 401145
Ugwunzu 401145

Ugwuoba Zip Postal Codes:

Agolo 401146
Aguabosi 401146
Agungwu 401146
Agunwu-Ogboo 401146
Efulu 401146
Egbeagu 401146
Ezi-Achi 401146
Nkpagu 401146
Obiagu 401146
Ogbudu 401146
Okpudu 401146
Okwe 401146
Uide 401146
Umalu 401146
Umualu 401146
Umuomu 401146
Updata 401146

Other Zip Postal Codes for towns, villages, streets, districts, Local Government areas(L.G.A) in Enugu State are given below:

List of Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas in Enugu State

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