
Odo Otin LGA Zip Postal Codes

Odo Otin LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Odo Otin LGA Zip Postal Codes are given in this page. Which comprises all the Zip Postal Codes of all the areas, districts, towns, villages and nook and crannies of this region of South West, part of Nigeria.

The List of places are given below alongside their corresponding Zip Postal Codes.

Other Zip Postal Codes of places in Osun State of South West part of Nigeria are given below:

List of LGA in Osun State Zip Postal Codes.

Asi /Asaba /Oyan Zip Postal Codes:

Asaba 231107
Asi 231107
Oyan 231107

Ekosin / Iyeku Zip Postal Codes:

EIesin-Funfun 231104
Ekosin 231104
Iyeku 231104
Kosemani 231104
Oiakunmodu 231104
Olokumodo 231104

Faji/Opete/ Igbaye Zip Postal Codes:

Ago Ayo 231105
Faji 231105
Idiroko 231105
Igbaye 231105
Imuleke 231105
Opete 231105

Ijabe/ Ila / Odo Zip Postal Codes:

Alapata 231106
Igbotele 231106
Ijabe 231106
Ila-Odo 231106
Opanda 23110

Inisa / Obe / Agbeye Zip Postal Codes:

Agbeye 231103
Inisa 231103
Ore 231103

Okua / Ekusa Zip Postal Codes:

Ekusa 231102



Okuku Zip Postal Codes:

Adegbite 231101
Okuku 231101


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