
Markurdi LGA Zip Postal Codes

Markurdi LGA Zip Postal Codes:

This post will give you all of the Zip Postal Codes for Villages, Towns, Districts, Streets and areas under Markudi LGA of Benue State.

Markudi LGA is located in North central part of Nigeria and comprises of 12 areas given below with their corresponding Zip Postal Codes:

 #1. Army Barracks Zip Postal Codes:

The general Zip Postal Codes for Army Barracks area in Markurdi, Benue State is given by 970212.

Other Zip Postal Codes of streets and areas under Markudi, Army Barracks which comprises 15 in their numbers are also given:

#2. Eupi-New Layout Zip Postal Codes:

The general Zip Codes for Towns and Villages under Eupi-New Layout under Markurdi LGA, Benue State is given as 972261.

Other Zip Codes of Streets, areas, districts under it are also given below with their corresponding Zip Postal Codes:

#3. Federal Low Zip Postal Codes:

The general Zip Postal Codes for Federal Low area in Markurdi, Benue State is given by 972281.

Other Zip Postal Codes of streets and areas under Markudi, Federal Low which comprises 2 in their numbers are also given:

#4. G.R.A:

The general Zip Postal Codes for town, villages, streets and districts under G.R.A in Markurdi LGA of Benue State is given as 970211.

Other Zip Postal Codes of areas also under it are given below. Which consist of 19 areas in total.

#5. General Hospital:

The General Zip Postal Codes for towns, streets, areas and districts under General Hospital area of Markudi L.G.A, in Benue State of Nigeria is given as 972221.

Other Zip Postal codes of streets/areas also under it are given below.

#6. High Level Ass. Vill:

The general Zip Postal Codes for High Level Ass. Vill under Markurdi L.G.A of Benue State, Nigeria is given as 970221.

Other Zip Postal Codes of 14 areas/streets also under this district are given below.

#7. Hudco Quarters:

The general Zip Postal Codes of Hudco Quarters under Markurdi L.G.A of Benue State, Nigeria is given as 970251.

Other Zip Postal Codes of 5 Areas/Districts and towns under this LGA are given below.

#8. Kokoroo:

The general Zip Postal Codes for Kokoroo L.G.A under Markurdi L.G.A of Benue State, Nigeria is given as, 972211.

Other Zip Postal Codes of 43 streets, areas, towns and district under Kokoroo are given below.

#9. Sabon Gari:

The general Zip Postal Code for Sabon Gari area of Markurdi L.G.A of Benue State is given as 972251.

Other Zip Postal Codes of 14 streets, districts, villages and towns under it are given below

#10. Unijos Campus:

The general Zip Postal Codes of Unijos Campus under Markurdi L.G.A of Benue State is given as 970213.

Also other Zip Postal Codes of 26 streets, districts, towns and villages under it are given below.

#11. Wadata:

The general Zip Postal Code of Wadata area under Markurdi L.G.A of Benue State is given as 970261.

Also other Zip Postal Codes of 38 Towns, Villages and Streets under this LGA are given below:

#12. Wurukum:

The general Zip Postal Codes of Wurukum area of Markurdi L.G.A in Benue State, Nigeria is given as 970222.

Also other Zip Postal Codes of 25 streets, districts, villages and towns under it are given below.

Other Zip Postal Codes of LGA’s under Benue State, Nigeria can be found in the link below:

List of LGAs of Benue State Zip Postal Codes.

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