
Madobi LGA Zip Postal Codes

Madobi L.G.A Zip Postal Codes:

The Zip Postal Codes of all towns, villages, districts, streets, areas and places under Madobi L.G.A (Local Government Area) of North Western part of Nigeria are given below.

The names of the areas are given side to side with their respective Zip Postal Codes.

Madobi Zip Postal Codes:


Zip Postal Code

Abarchi 711102
Agalawa 711102
Bakinkogi 711102
Burji 711102
Chiinkoso 711102
Daburau 711102
Dan Maryame 711102
Dan’auta 711102
Danzo Gari 711102
Gazana 711102
Gora 711102
Kafin Agur 711102
Kanwa 711102
Kaura Mata 711102
Kubarachi 711102
Kundurum 711102
Kwankwaso 711102
Madobi 711102
Ningawa 711102
Rikadawa 711102
Ruga 711102
Yakun 711102

Other Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas (L.G.A)’s under Kano State are given below in the link:

Zip Postal Codes of L.G.A’s in Kano State

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