
lgbo Etiti LGA Zip Postal Codes

lgbo Etiti LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Igbo Ekiti LGA Zip Postal Codes is given in this page which contains list of all areas, towns, villages, districts and places under this location of Enugu State, South East, of Nigeria.

The list of Zip Postal Codes of these Local Governments (L.G.A’s), areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under it are given below:

Aku Zip Postal Codes:

Amabokwu 411108
Amogwu 411108
Ejuonu 411108
Mgboko 411108
Nua 411108
Obie 411108
Offienyi 411108
Ohemuje 411108
Orda 411108
Oshigo 411108
Ugwuegede 411108
Ugwunani 411108
Umueme 411108
Umuezike 411108
Use 411108

Diogbe Zip Postal Codes:

Agbo 411104
Ndiugwu 411104
Umunashi 411104

Ekwegbe Zip Postal Codes:

Aguakwegbo 411110
Amandu 411110
Amanonucha 411110
Amaotu 411110
Ohumofia 411110
Ozeachara 411110
Ukopi 411110

Ikolo Zip Postal Codes:

Ameti 411102
Ikoloani 411102
Uhamurodo 411102
Uhanuchu 411102

Ochima Zip Postal Codes:

Ama Egede 411101
Ezinaibite 411101
Ogbede 411101

Ohebe/ ohodo Zip Postal Codes:

Akaibite 411103
Akutala 411103
Chinwa 411103
Ejuona 411103
Ohodo 411103

Onyohor Zip Postal Codes:

Amabinagu 411106
Amobo 411106
Amoji 411106
Umuozigbo 411106
Umuriko 411106

Ozalla Zip Postal Codes:

Akaibite 411109
Ijo 411109
Ikolo 411109
Isiamelu 411109
Nnaru 411109
Ujoma 411109

Udueme Zip Postal Codes:

Amaelu 411107
Nkitiba 411107
Uwani 411107

Ukehe Zip Postal Codes:

Akpuato 411105
Amagwu 411105
Amanefi 411105
Idoha 411105
Nkpologwu 411105
Ukwaja 411105
Umudulo 411105
Umufiagu 411105
Umurusi 411105
Uwani Abaka 411105

Other Zip Postal Codes for towns, villages, streets, districts, Local Government areas(L.G.A) in Enugu State are given below:

List of Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas in Enugu State

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