
Ini Ikono LGA Zip Postal Codes

Ini Ikono LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Ini Ikono LGA Zip Postal Codes is given in this page which contains list of all areas, towns, villages, districts and places under this location of Akwa Ibom State, South South, of Nigeria.

The list of Zip Postal Codes of these Local Governments (L.G.A’s), areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under it are given below:

List of Towns Areas under Ini Ikono of Akwa Ibom State:

Uquok Zip Postal Codes 531103:

Nung Ukem Zip Postal Codes  531114

Nquot Zip Postal Codes 531111

Ndiya Streets Zip Codes 531118

Mbiabong II Zip Postal Codes 531108

Mbiabon G.I Zip Postal Codes 531104

Itak Ini Ikono LGA Zip Postal Codes 531119

Ikpe Ikot LGA Zip Postal Codes 531109

Ikono South Zip Postal Codes 531113

Ibiaku Streets Zip Postal Codes 531105

Ekpene Ediene Zip Postal Codes 531112

Asanting Zip Codes Zip Postal Code: 531106

Nung Ukem Zip Postal Codes 531114

Other Zip Postal Codes for towns, villages, streets, districts, Local Government areas(L.G.A) in Akwa Ibom State are given below:

List of Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas in Akwa Ibom State

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