
Ido Osi LGA Zip Postal Codes

Ido Osi LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Ido Osi LGA Zip Postal Codes are given in this page. Which comprises all the Zip Postal Codes of all the areas, districts, towns, villages and nook and crannies of this region of South West, part of Nigeria.

The List of places are given below alongside their corresponding Zip Postal Codes.

Ido Ekiti Zip Postal Codes:


 Zip Postal Code

Ayetoro Ekiti 371101
Igbole Ekiti 371101
Ilogbo Ekiti 371101
Osi Ekiti 371101
Usi Ekiti 371101

Ifaki Zip Postal Codes:


Zip Postal Codes

Igbira Camp 371103
Ipole 371103
Obaji 371103
Odo Oba-Aladesusi 371103
Okalawa 371103
Oke Ese 371103
Osi 371103
Temigbola 371103

Orin Ekiti Zip Postal Codes:


Zip Postal Codes

Aaye Ekiti 371102
Ifisin-Ekiti 371102
Ilogun 371102
Odo-Ora 371102
Oke-Ora 371102
Ora-Ekiti 371102

Other Zip Postal Codes of places in Ekiti State of South West part of Nigeria are given below:

List of LGA in Ekiti State Zip Postal Codes.

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