
Gaya LGA Zip Postal Codes

Gaya L.G.A Zip Postal Codes:

The Zip Postal Codes of all towns, villages, districts, streets, areas and places under Gaya L.G.A (Local Government Area) of North Western part of Nigeria are given below.

The names of the areas are given side to side with their respective Zip Postal Codes.

Gaya L.G.A Zip Postal Codes:

Aku 713102
Amarawa 713102
Argida 713102
Balan 713102
Bangashe 713102
Fani Dau 713102
G/Sarki 713102
Gamarya 713102
Gamoji 713102
Gaya 713102
Gomo 713102
Gul 713102
Hausawa 713102
Jibawa 713102
Jobe 713102
Kademi 713102
Kazurawa 713102
Kera 713102
Larau 713102
Maimakawa 713102
Masabai 713102
Moda 713102
Shagogo 713102
Wudilawa 713102
Y. Audu 713102
Yankau 713102
Zanbur 713102

Other Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas (L.G.A)’s under Kano State are given below in the link:

Zip Postal Codes of L.G.A’s in Kano State

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