
Enugu South LGA Zip Postal Codes

Enugu South LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Enugu South LGA Zip Postal Codes is given in this page which contains list of all areas, towns, villages, districts and places under this location of Enugu State, South East, of Nigeria.

The list of Zip Postal Codes of these Local Governments (L.G.A’s), areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under it are given below:

Akuke Zip Postal Codes:

Amagu 400107
Atagwu 400107
Okwu/Obeahu 400107
Umuanigu Ugwu 400107
Umuatogbo-Owa 400107

Amechi Zip Postal Codes:

Amagu 400106
Awkunanaw 400106
Isiagu 400106
Iside 400106
Ndiaga 400106
Ndiagbana 400106
Ndiugbo 400106
Sata 400106
Ugwuafa 400106
Ugwuagba 400106
Umuedeachi 400106
Umunugwu 400106
Umuogo 400106

Obeagu Zip Postal Codes:

Amagu 400108
Amauzam 400108
Ngine 400108
Nkpofia 400108
Obinagu 400108
Obodou Vulu 400108
Uzamagu 400108
Uzamdun 400108

Ugwuaji Zip Postal Codes:

Amuzam 400105
Isiagu 400105
Ndiaga 400105
Ochufu 400105
Onuba 400105
Ugboba-Ani 400105
Umunnaji Ngene 400105
Umunnaugwu 400105

Other Zip Postal Codes for towns, villages, streets, districts, Local Government areas(L.G.A) in Enugu State are given below:

List of Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas in Enugu State

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