
Enugu East LGA Zip Postal Codes

Enugu East LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Enugu East LGA Zip Postal Codes is given in this page which contains list of all areas, towns, villages, districts and places under this location of Enugu State, South East, of Nigeria.

The list of Zip Postal Codes of these Local Governments (L.G.A’s), areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under it are given below:

Nike Zip Postal Codes:

Agbogazi 400103
Ako 400103
Akpoga 400103
Alulu 400103
Amoji 400103
Amokpo 400103
Azama 400103
Edem 400103
Effokwe 400103
Emene 400103
Ibeagwa 400103
Ije-Amaowelle 400103
Nbulunjodo 400103
Nchetanche 400103
Neke Odenigbo 400103
Nekeuno 400103
Ngwuomu 400103
Nkwubo 400103
Nokpa 400103
Obinagu 400103
Onuogba 400103
Onyohu 400103

Ogwogo Zip Postal Codes:

Adaeze 400104
Amankpa 400104
Farm Settlements 400104
Obinagu 400104
Ogbodogo 400104
Okpuhu 400104
Ugwunkwo 400104
Umunagbo 400104
Umunnameze 400104
Umunonu 400104
Utazi 400104

Other Zip Postal Codes for towns, villages, streets, districts, Local Government areas(L.G.A) in Enugu State are given below:

List of Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas in Enugu State

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