
Dandi LGA Zip Postal Codes

Dandi L.G.A Zip Postal Codes:

Dandi L.G.A (Local Government Area) of Kebbi State, North Western part of Nigeria, Zip Postal Codes are given for all areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under this location.

The Zip Postal Codes attached to each place represents the identification of that region.

List of Dandi L.G.A Zip Postal Codes:

Kamba Area Zip Postal Codes:

Bani-zumbu 862105
Buma 862105
Danyaku 862105
Dole Kaina 862105
Fana 862105
Fingilla 862105
Galaru 862105
Geza 862105
Kokani 862105
Kuka 862105
Kutu Kullu 862105
Kwakwaba 862105
Kyengakwai 862105
Maidaji 862105
Maigwaza 862105
Nayalwa 862105
Rundu Bussa 862105
Shiko 862105
Tungage 862105
Tungar Rogo 862105
Unguwar Rafi 862105

Other Zip Postal Codes for areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under Kebbi State of North Western part of Nigeria, are given in the link below:

Zip Postal Codes for L.G.A’s in Kebbi State

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