
Aninri LGA Zip Postal Codes

Aninri LGA Zip Postal Codes is given in this page which contains list of all areas, towns, villages, districts and places under this location of Enugu State, South East, of Nigeria.

The list of Zip Postal Codes of these Local Governments (L.G.A’s), areas, towns, villages, streets, districts and places under it are given below:

Aninri LGA Zip Postal Codes:

Mpu Zip Postal Codes:

Agu-Enyi 402142
Amachara 402142
Amagu 402142
Obuagu 402142
Obuno 402142

Ndeaboh Zip Postal Codes:

Abacheku 402141
Amaeze 402141
Amurure 402141
Azunkwo 402141
Nochele 402141
Over Rail 402141
Uhucheke 402141
Uhungo 402141
Uhuogiri 402141
Umuoma 402141
Umurah 402141

Nenwe Zip Postal Codes:

Agbada 402140
Amabor 402140
Amagu 402140
Amokwe 402140
Amorji 402140
Emulemoke 402140
Enugunator 402140
Eziecho 402140
Isi-Enyi 402140
Obeagu 402140
Obiofu 402140
Obulorum 402140
Okpome 402140
Okpulo 402140
Ugwuokpa 402140
Umuagam 402140
Umualugwoyi 402140
Umudibo 402140
Umuewo 402140
Umueze 402140
Umulagu 402140
Umulero 402140
Umuobele 402140
Umuola 402140
Umuoriji 402140
Umuovute 402140

Odume Zip Postal Codes:

Amachara-Uka 402144
Amaeke 402144
Amagu 402144
Amakumu 402144
Amanasoto 402144
Amata 402144
Amoji 402144
Amokwe 402144
Amotinite 402144
Anasato 402144
Ezinator 402144
Ezineshi 402144
Igimu 402144
Mmafu 402144
Nanwu/Negba 402144
Negenannata 402144
Ngenanwa 402144
Obeagu 402144
Oduma-Achara 402144
Ohafia 402144
Ukete 402144

Okpanku Zip Postal Codes:

Amabiriba 402143
Amaete 402143
Amagu 402143
Amaogudu 402143
Ihuezeoke 402143
Ihuibe 402143
Okpu 402143

Other Zip Postal Codes for towns, villages, streets, districts, Local Government areas(L.G.A) in Enugu State are given below:

List of Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas in Enugu State

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