
Albasu LGA Zip Postal Codes

Albasu L.G.A Zip Postal Codes:

The Zip Postal Codes of all towns, villages, districts, streets, areas and places under Albasu L.G.A (Local Government Area) of North Western part of Nigeria are given below.

The names of the areas are given side to side with their respective Zip Postal Codes.

Albasu Zip Postal Codes:

Albasu 712104
Bataiya 712104
Burburwa 712104
Chararana 712104
Cilibiri 712104
Daho 712104
Duja 712104
Faragai 712104
Farantama 712104
Gagarame 712104
Gwagwarandan 712104
Hamdullahi 712104
Hungu Sabuwa 712104
Jigar 712104
Jirago 712104
K/Sumaila 712104
Koga 712104
Mangari 712104
Panada 712104
Sayasaya 712104
Tsangaya 712104
Yaura 712104

Other Zip Postal Codes of Local Government Areas (L.G.A)’s under Kano State are given below in the link:

Zip Postal Codes of L.G.A’s in Kano State

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